0045 043204434

Il Ngwesi Wildlife Conservancy

  • Birding Site
  • Wildlife Conservancy


Il Ngwesi’ means “people of wildlife” in Laikipiak Masai and the name couldn’t be more appropriate. It was one of the first community-led conservation initiatives in northern Kenya, set up with a vision to sustainably manage the environment in order to both graze livestock and conserve wildlife, which it was hoped would in turn, encourage tourists. Along with Namunyak Community Wildlife Trust, Il Ngwesi made the beginnings of the NRT family back in 1995, when the Il Ngwesi Lodge was also built. Both the lodge and Il Ngwesi’s neighbouring conservancy, Lewa, have played a huge part in helping to develop community initiatives, and continue to do so today.

The Il Ngwesi Conservancy 

It’s all here! Since Il Ngwesi set aside more than 8,500 hectares of its land as a conservation area, the ecosystem has recovered and a full complement of wildlife species has returned. With a number of endangered species including the White Rhino, Grevy Zebra, African Wild Dog, Leopard and Lion now resident on its land, Il Ngwesi is playing a significant role in conserving wildlife in Northern Kenya.

Though some species such as Lion and Leopard are shy and hard to see, commonly seen animals include Elephant, Impala, Waterbuck, Greater and Lesser Kudu, Dik Dik, Gerenuk, Eland, Common and Grevy Zebra, Reticulated Giraffe often in large numbers, Rock Hyrax, Vervet Monkey, Baboon and Warthog. Cheetah, Jackal, Spotted and Striped Hyena are all occasionally seen at the water hole and around the ranch, and Leopard and Hyena are heard calling almost nightly. Il Ngwesi is known as a destination for seeing African Wild Dog, and although the resident pack roams a vast area and is at times absent from the immediate area, when the dogs are around, they make their presence felt. In 2015 the rare Aardwolf was also seen in the ranch.

Rules & Regulations

Respect the privacy of the wildlife, this is their habitat. Beware of the animals, they are wild and can be unpredictable. Don't crowd the animals or make sudden noises or movements. Don't feed the animals.

Wildlife & Birds

Title Conservation Status
 African elephant Vulnerable
 African lion Vulnerable
 African wild dog Endangered
 Cheetah Vulnerable
 Leopard Vulnerable
 Striped hyaena Near Threatened
 White rhino Near Threatened
 Spotted Hyena Least Concern
 Jackal Least Concern
 Waterbuck Least Concern
 The vervet monkey Least Concern
 The rock hyrax Least Concern




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