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Basra reed warbler

Acrocephalus griseldis


The blue swallow (Hirundo atrocaerulea) is a small passerine bird in the swallow family. Swallows are somewhat similar in habits and appearance to other aerial insectivores, such as the related martins and the unrelated swifts (order Apodiformes). It breeds in southern Africa, wintering further north in Uganda and Kenya. This bird breeds in montane grassland, preferring high rainfall, undulating areas. In winter it prefers open grassland, with bushes and trees. The nest is usually attached to the roof or side of a hole in the ground. This species is a small swallow at 18

Fun Facts

The call is a gruff 'chaar', deeper than a reed warbler's. It is found in aquatic vegetation in or around shallow, fresh or brackish water, still or flowing, mainly in dense reedbeds. It is found in thickets and bushland when migrating or wintering.


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