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Sokoke scops owl

Otus ireneae


The Sokoke scops owl (Otus ireneae) is an owl found in Kenya and Tanzania. The greatest population of this species of owl is in the Cynometra-Manilkara forest, which is less than one-third of the Sokoke Forest. It is also found in the Afzelia-Cynometra forest. The Sokoke scops owl can grow up to 6 1?4 to 6 1?2 inches (16 to 17 cm), can weigh up to 2 ounces (57 g), and is the smallest of the scops owls. It is insectivorous and can be either grey or rufous-brown. This tiny owl, discovered as late as 1965 in the Arabuko-Sokoke forest in Kenya, occurs in three different morphs, or forms; dark brown, grey-brown or rufous plumage, heavily barred, streaked and spotted. The face is light rufous to brown and buff, with whitish or buffy eyebrows. The large, yellow eyes provide excellent eyesight for hunting at night.

Fun Facts

The Sokoke scops-owl has a soft too-too-too call, that is repeated around ten times a minute, and is most frequently heard just a couple of hours before dawn or after dusk


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